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SAILS Safety

SAILS at Bayside is accountable in respect of

Children and Young People’s safety.


In addition to its Code of Conduct & Ethics document, SAILS at Bayside is accountable to the Office of Professional Standards, Anglican Diocese of Southern Queensland.


All our Sailing & Kayaking team volunteers hold current Qld Working With Children Blue Cards, and have to undergo a Diocese of Southern Qld Safe Ministry Check prior to being accepted on-team.


Our Safety Boat

Thanks to major donor

St George's Defence Holiday Suites







Thanks also to

RIB Force Inflatables

Mercury Marine Australia

Oceanic Trailers

for putting together a great package for us.


St Georges Logo.jpg

"Throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the tradewinds in your sails. EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER" - Mark Twain

Our Mission


Much effort is been taken to ensure the safety of our team and  participants.


An on-shore Beach Controller controls the overall on-water safety of the event. The Beach Controller has vhf marine radio contact with the Safety Boat, Kayak Supervisors and Catamaran Skippers.  Many of team hold First Aid / CPR qualifications.  All events have designated First Aider on the team.


All team members and participants involved with water based sailing and kayaking activities are fitted with appropriate PFDs ("lifejackets") prior to taking to the water. PFD’s are either L100 for smaller children or L50’s for youth’s and adults

Participants are encouraged to be sun-safe and a sunscreen station is available for those who forgot to bring sunscreen lotion with them.

A shade shelter is provided for venues where there is inadequate shade.

Hand sanitiser is available and it's use strongly encouraged. All team members are vaccinated against Covid-19.


Sailing & Kayaking



Our Skippers are experienced and capable sailors. The catamarans are fitted with flotation panels in the head of their main sails, or have mast floats or sealed floating masts to minimise risk should the boat capsize.

Each catamaran has a capsize ropes to make the righting process simpler. Our catamarans have "loose foot" main sails (ie no booms) to minimise the risk of injury when tacking and gybing. Catamarans are maintained on a regular basis and any reported problem is addressed prior to the next event.

All participants are briefed by their skipper on procedures and safety prior to departure. All craft have carrying limits and we ensure each craft is correctly loaded and a record of skipper and participants is maintained in respect of each trip.




Our Kayak Supervisors hold Paddle Australia Paddling Supervisor qualifications. We have an on-water policy of a maximum of 6 Participants to one Kayak Supervisor. The kayaks are unsinkable sit-on-tops with a shallow keel to assist in maintaining course. Designated kayaking boundaries are maintained to assist in ensuring safety. All participants are briefed in the basics of kayaking prior to entering the water.

We Need Your Support Today!

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